

The Carrera© 1/32 Digital Slot Cars is a great hobby for the young, teens, adults and enthusiasts alike.


IMAGINE if this hobby could be enthused with many aspects of real-world motor racing! Build on the existing Carrera offerings with the addition of Racing Series, Teams, Drivers, Points System, Championships, Race Qualifying, Race Day Setup, Tire Management, Real Time Race Feedback, Actual Race Simulations, Graphic Performance Comparisons, DRS and Automation, to name a few aspects that can enhance the experience.


IMAGINE enhancing the Carrera© Digital Slot Cars to have the racing enthusiast(s) race against the computer (not as a ghost car) with up to 6 cars being autonomously / computer controlled. Such a race is a challenge as autonomously / computer-controlled cars can be programmed to race at varying high speeds.


IMAGINE being challenged by the computer to race at a higher standard.


IMAGINE setting up a race where the enthusiast(s) control the race from the pits, with car setup, tire management, pit stop strategy and track speeds as the race is actually taking place.


IMAGINE having the ability to view graphs of each car's performance, being able to compare lap performances of each car and between cars, and keying in on areas where speed improvements can be made.


IMAGINE being able to simulate your race car performance before an actual race.


IMAGINE building different design circuits to compete in a Championship Series, just like real world Race Series similar to Formula 1© and NASCAR©, with the ability to play back each race on the computer and examine where it was won or lost.


The Autonomous Race Management System makes these imaginations come true.


Scroll through the screens displayed under the SCREEN SHOTS page to view the system's functionality, with many functions not available from any other Race Management system.