

The Autonomous Race Management System© represents a sophisticated ‘Real World’ approach to motor racing utilizing the Carrera© 1/32 Digital Slot Cars, including real time race feedback, computer simulations, graphic lap comparisons and autonomous / computer-controlled racing.  The autonomous / computer-controlled module can race up to 6 cars against themself or race up to 4 cars with 2 additional cars being controlled by racing enthusiasts.


The program runs on a Windows PC running under Windows 10 or Windows 11 and encompasses a Race Control Software Module and a small microprocessor electronic component that connects to the Carrera Control Unit and Track.


The system continuously reads Carrera CU data signals from the track rail and when required sends Carrera CU Controller and Programming data signals back to the Carrera Control Unit. Currently, the communication between the PC and the microprocessor is via a USB cable with direct connections from the microprocessor to the track rail, the Carrera Controller Port and the Carrera S-Video DIN Socket connection. Future releases will cater to communication between the PC and the microprocessor using WiFi or Bluetooth.


The design requires a racing circuit to be built with a minimum of a Carrera 30352 Control Unit and at least one Carrera ‘Check Lane’ track. No modifications are required to any of the Carrera cars, track or control unit. The system does not utilize the Carrera AppConnect component nor any other software.  Larger circuits can utilize additional Carrera ‘Check Lane’ full straight tracks or can utilize specially built 'Check Lane' equivalent tracks in Full, 1/2 and 1/3 straight tracks.  These 'Check Lane' tracks act as time/ speed "Gates" to control / record car track location, speed and computer synchronization. Typical track layouts would require one or two of these Gates with a current maximum of 15 gates for very large circuits. 


Carrera© 1/24 Scale Digital Slot Cars will also work with the Autonomous Race Management system.